The Experience Points Podcast
A weekly video game podcast from the co-writers of

We live in mad times folks. Mad times! Just one week after podcasting about Microsoft's draconian DRM policies and the company does a complete one-eighty, succumbing to popular demand and economic pressure. Why the crowds largely celebrated the shocking occasion, some lamented it as well. Had Microsoft caved too quickly? Are we losing something valuable as a result? And most importantly, what do B-list celebrities think of the whole affair? Join Scott and I this week these questions and more on the EXP podcast!

Show notes:

- Runtime: 30 mins 56 secs

- "The Xbox One Just Got Way Worse, And It's Our Fault," by Kyle Wagner via Gizmodo

- Music by: Brad Sucks

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_230_-_The_DRM_Moonwalk.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:26pm PST

What is going on in this crazy world!? This week on the EXP podcast, Scott and I discuss the games and revelations coming out of E3, but since the time of recording, importance announcements have already broke! Microsoft took a lesson from countless politicians and flipped their stance on DRM. The complete reversal comes as a shock, albeit a positive one, to many gamers eager to see the company salvage what little goodwill they still had. I, for one, appreciate the bizarre times we live in.

While we don't touch on the latest news in this show, we do unpack some of the sights from E3 and finally put the event to rest. Give it a listen and let us know what you think about the games on parade and the consoles on your mind!

Show notes:

- Runtime: 41 min 59 secs

- Music by: Brad Sucks

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_229_-_E3_2013_Debrief.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:30pm PST

This week, we take a mid-week breather from all the E3 madness to talk about a subject that's actually one of the bigger features of both Microsoft and Sony's new consoles: screencasting.  What once started out as "Let's Plays" on obscure corners of the internet have now become regular events for a growing multitude of players.  Inspired by Kris Ligman's article on the origin, evolution, and struggles of the Let's Play scene, we discuss everything from intellectual property to editing techniques.  We're still pretty new to this entire scene, so we're interested to read your thoughts in the comments!

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- Here's the show's stand-alone feed

- Listen to the podcast in your browser by left-clicking here. Or, right-click and select "save as link" to download the show in MP3 format.

- Subscribe to this podcast and EXP's written content with the RSS link on the right.

Show notes:

- Runtime: 28 min 11 sec

- "Opinion: Let's Play crackdown is an attack on game culture," by Kris Ligman via Gamasutra

- Music by: Brad Sucks

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_228_-_Game_and_Watch.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:56pm PST

The Humble Indie Bundle 8 is in full swing, so this week we discuss some of the games we've been able to play so far. The bundle's wide range of games means we discuss everything from the competitive, skill-driven systems of Awesomenauts and Hotline Miami to the experiential, story driven environments of Proteus and Dear Esther. At the risk of sounding like an advertisement, the Humble Indie Bundle is a great buy for both economic and philosophical reasons: you pay what you want (or what you can) and you support independent, DRM-free games that also happen to be some of the more thought-provoking games on the market. Alright, enough schilling. As always, feel free to jump into the comments with your thoughts.

- Subscribe to the EXP Podcast via iTunes
- Find the show on Stitcher
- Here's the show's stand-alone feed
- Listen to the podcast in your browser by left-clicking here. Or, right-click and select "save as link" to download the show in MP3 format.
- Subscribe to this podcast and EXP's written content with the RSS link on the right.

Show notes:

- Runtime: 31 min 34 sec
The Humble Indie Bundle 8
- Music by: Brad Sucks

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_227_-_Humble_Bundle_8.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:48pm PST