The Experience Points Podcast
A weekly video game podcast from the co-writers of

As the year draws to a close, it's time to hunker down and talk about our favorite games from 2016.  Robots, demons, and even a little timeline trouble dominated the last 12 months.  It was a great year for games, but we forced ourselves to each pick our three favorites.  Break out the champagne and settle in for a year-end debrief!

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_409_-_2016_GoTY.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:00am PST

When last we spoke, we left you with a cliffhanger that totally wasn't caused of a weird technical issue.  But don't worry, the moment you're all waiting for is here: the award for the gamey-est game of 2016.  Please hold your applause until the end.

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_408-2_-_The_Gameys_Part_2.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:19pm PST

Happy holidays everyone! It's time again for the second annual Gamey Awards. One of the most prestigious and sought-after awards in the games industry. Will this be the first year an AI wins the Waifu/Husbandu award? What game might actually be Frog Fractions 2? Is your best buddy in Final Fantasy XV? All this and more in the premier EXP event!

Quick note on this episode. We did have to leave you a cliffhanger before we reveal the Gamey-est Game of 2016, but we'll be back next week with more. In the mean time, you know where to find us.

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_408_-_The_2016_Gamey_Awards.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:07pm PST

Hey everybody, it's E3N: your fun-loving Robro, inter-planetary guide, and remorseless killing machine!  We've finally finished Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare and it's time to debrief.  Strap in for some angry Martians, incompetent captains, and shaky cameras.

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_407_-_Infinite_Warfare_debrief.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

Somehow Sony turned their small-ish fan event into a major venue for big video game news. This year's PlayStation experience brings us a bunch of new trailers, announcements, and (tangentially) another bizarro look into Kojima's latest, Death Stranding

Show Notes:

- Runtime: 35 mins 12 sec

- Music by Brad Sucks

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_406_-_The_PlayStation_Experience_2016_Debrief.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:58pm PST

Forget Siri, Google Now, and Alexa: BT is the only AI assistant you'll ever need.  He'll help you with turn by turn directions while crushing your enemies.  This week we're doing a Titanfall 2 debrief.  Between the new single-player campaign, swords-wielding titans, Harambe-themed multiplayer networks, there is plenty to discuss.

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_405_-_Titanfall_2_debrief.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:00am PST

This week on the EXP Podcast, we forlorn souls visit the cold and lonely painted world of Ariandel, AKA Dark Souls 3 DLC. What do we find there in the rotten world? Why, quite possibly the best boss in all of the Soulsborne franchise. Join us, won't you?

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_404_-_Dark_Souls_3_Ashes_of_Ariandel_Debrief.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:53pm PST

As consummate professionals, Jorge and I are always on the lookout for others striving to be the best in their fields.  That's why we are fascinated by the upcoming esports estorm that is professional Overwatch.  Blizzard seems intent on fostering regional rivalries and after watching the World Cup exhibition and learning about the forthcoming location-based Overwatch teams, we are hooked.  I want to believe that if Winston from Overwatch had a choice, he'd play for the Bay Area Brawlers.  We're very progressive when it comes to animal rights.

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_403_-_Professional_Overwatchers.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:11pm PST

While your reeling under the weight of the recent presidential election, we bring you this belated discussion of the Nintendo Switch. Consider it a memory of an earlier, more peaceful time, when all we did was go to rooftop parties and play videogames. 


Show notes:

  • Music by Brad Sucks
  • Run time: 35 mins 16 secs
Direct download: EXP_Podcast_404_-_The_Nintendo_Switch_Itch.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:43pm PST

Hey, I don't want to alarm anyone, but this esports thing is getting wild.  So wild in fact, that Jorge ventured into the belly of the beast to bring us a report.  This week, we talk about the League of Legends 2016 World Championship.  Enjoy stories about the thrill of victory, the agony of defeat, and the sweet smell of stadium chicken tenders.

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_401_-_Report_from_Worlds_2016.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:15pm PST

The world of sports and the world of gaming have never been so intertwined. We've got real life announcers adding color commentary to Madden patches and professional soccer players raising a fit over in-game FIFA stats. What's going on here? And more importantly, when are Americans finally going to care about soccer!? This week on the show, we kick around the influence games and sports have on each other.


Show Notes:

- Runtime: 33 mins 33 sec

- "How Video Games Are Changing the Way Soccer Is Played," by Rory Smith, via the New York Times

- Music by Brad Sucks

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_400_-_Games_on_the_Field.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:54pm PST

Consider this an old west time capsule, amigos.  It was buried under the digital soil during a simpler time; a time before we knew about Red Dead Redemption 2.  Essentially, Jorge and I got super excited and we recorded this the day after Rockstar began tweeting cryptic pictures of Red Dead Redemption 2.  Since we still don't know too much about it, feel free to partake in our child-like hope and whimsical speculation.

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_399_-_Red_Dead_Rumors.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:00am PST

If you're a fan of bizarre or surreal television, then we have a game for you! This week on the EXP Podcast, we debrief on Virginia, a narrative-based game that's part Twin Peaks and part X-Files. Is this short little game worth your time? And more importantly, what's the buffalo and the weird racist cult? All this and more in our journey to the Old Dominion.


Show Notes:

- Runtime: 34 mins 15 sec

- Music by Lyndon Holland via Virginia OST

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_398_-_Virginia_Debrief.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:37pm PST

Fall is well underway and that means gearing up for new games.  This week, we take a look at two of our most anticipated titles that couldn't be more different from one another: Super Mario Run and Titanfall 2.  Join us as we wistfully imagine a world where we tweet Mario levels while using Titans as farming equipment.

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_397_-_Super_Titanfall_Run.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:00am PST

I recently went on an extended vacation. While I was gone, Sony dropped the big news that Project Neo would actually be called the PS4 Pro. And not only is this fancy new piece of hardware selling for $399, it's launching this November. What does this mean for early adopters and folks who don't make the upgrade? Will VR games take a hit on old hardware? All this and more on this week's podcast!



Show Notes:

- Runtime: 32 mins 59 sec

- Music by Dan Deacon and Brad Sucks

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_396_-_PS4_Professionals.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:51pm PST

Almost all modern games share something in common, regardless of genre and style: patches!  Whether it's a single-player sci-fi epic like No Man's Sky or an annual sports franchise like Madden, the game released on launch day is often significantly different than the one we play a week, month, or even year later.  In this episode we talk about the good, bad, and wacky sides of version updates.

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_395_-_Patch_Patrol.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:00am PST

Before we head into the busy fall season, we're wrapping up summer with a relaxing news update.  Well, it was relaxing until we stumbled upon Miyamoto-san's secret time travel abilities.  How else can you explain Nintendo's plans to put out a Mario Maker game that doesn't allow you to upload courses to the Internet?  Clearly 1987 Miyamoto-san has usurped his modern self and taken over Nintendo.  Also: Picross 3D is back, baby!

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_394_-_PAX_Poochy_and_Picross_News.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:00am PST

This week on the EXP Podcast, Kotaku's Nathan Grayson has us exploring the very depths of Overwatch's elo hell. Down there in the cold, dark abyss, one man sought to lower his rank to zero. And like some mortal man who sought to count himself among gods and demons, he achieved his dream. What does that mean for us? And what does it tell us about the worst fans of Overwatch? All this and more!


Show Notes:

- Runtime: 32 mins

- "The Guy With The Lowest Possible Rank in Overwatch," by Nathan Grayson via Kotaku

- Music by Brad Sucks

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_393_-_The_Hanjo_Dilemma.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:38pm PST

Behold!  We have consulted the most ancient of tomes and conjured an auditory apparition for your amusements.  Some may seek to explain this feat by turning to the actions of humankind and their feeble attempt to use technology to harness the great cosmic forces.  We know better though.  We know podcasts are governed by an older logic, one governed by laws untouched and untouchable by simple mortals.  Laws that some, in an attempt to make sense of an impenetrable code, attempt to distill into a single word more easily held by our fragile cultural psyche: magic.

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_392_-_That_Old_Video_Game_Magic.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:36pm PST

This week on the EXP Podcast, Scott and I take to the skys and poke strange alien creatures with sticks. We're back to No Man's Sky. Does the game live up to the hype? Is it possible to understand the breeding habits of the pyramid-headed freaks that litter my starting world? Why do Sci-Fi games have universally bad UI? All these questions and more in our latest debrief.



Show notes:

  • Music from No Man's Sky OST
  • Runtime: 38 mins 
Direct download: EXP_Podcast_391_-_No_Mans_Sky_Debrief.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:04pm PST

If you're tired and need a break from space mining, here's a little piece of history for you. That's right: it's the last podcast recorded before No Man's Sky ushered in the new era of prosperity/despair in which we now find ourselves living (I'm writing this pre-release). Since we PC players are still waiting on the go-ahead from mission control, we decided to have a pre-release conversation around expectations, hype, and the best way to leverage brand synergy when naming planets. See you on the forest moon of Chevy's!


Direct download: EXP_Podcast_390_-_Hyperspace.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:26pm PST

This week on the EXP Podcast, Scott and I look at friendliness by the numbers. Thanks to a recent survey by research firm Quantic Foundry, we have some data about the ideal way gamers like to play with other people. Some of the results are actually surprising, but are they accurate? And what does this say about games that bridge the competitive/cooperative divide? And what about VR? All this and more!

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_389_-_Getting_Friendly.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:31pm PST

What if you knew the exact number of minutes you spent in BioShock's hacking minigame? How about precise amount of damage done by Ryu's fireball? Do you ever dare look at your Spelunky death count? This week we're talking about "the quantified self" as it relates to video games. Don't worry, we haven't sipping the Soylent, we're just wondering what the numbers mean and whether we should be paying attention.

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_388_-_The_Quantification_Game.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:06pm PST

A game has done the unthinkable. It's made thousands of people go outside. Pokémon Go has become a cultural phenomenon overnight. Your parents, your neighbors, even your coworkers can be found wandering the streets in search of some rare Snorlax. What has the world come to? What can explain all this madness!? This week on the EXP Podcast, Scott and I venture into the tall grass to find out.

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_387_-_Pokmon_Go_Debrief.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:12pm PST

This week we reach the triumphant conclusion of Uncharted 4: A Thief's End.  We go into all the grave-robbing, clock-smashing, jeep-winching antics.  And before you ask, yes we did make a cheap pun about Drake's butt being a "theif's end."  I mean, how could we resist?

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_386_-_Uncharted_4_Debrief.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:07am PST

Blizzard has filed a lawsuit against Bossland, a German-based software company that sells access to cheat programs for Overwatch players. The company actually offers this service for other multiplayer games as well, but does cheating in Overwatch mean something different? Why do people cheat at all? And most importantly, how are Lebron James and Big Boss involved? All this and more on today's EXP Podcast!



Direct download: EXP_Podcast_385_-_Cheats_and_Scoundrels.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:56pm PST

Well, Quake, you've had a good run but it's really time to calm down and grow up.  You're not a teen anymore, so you'll have trade your nail gun for a briefcase and rocket jump your way into some adult responsibility.  All of this is a roundabout way of saying that Quake came out 20 years ago.  To mark this occasion, we give ourselves over to a Wikipedia black hole and talk about the other video game highlights of 1996.  For the full experience, you should probably be listening to Jamiroquai on loop during this whole podcast.


Direct download: EXP_Podcast_384_-_1996.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:54pm PST

Kratos is a daddy, Norman Reedus got naked for Hideo Kojima, and Link can climb now. It's time for our annual E3 debrief! It was a big show this year, with some amazing highlights, from Snoop Dog getting high at an EA event to me wishing I was high to play a virtual reality dinosaur game. 

There was a ton of news, and we want to know what you think about it! Are you intrigued by the Xbox One S? Are you happy to see The Last Guardian actually get a release date? Let us know in the comments or, hey, shoot us an email. We're listening.

Show Notes:

- Runtime: 1 hour 4 mins

- Music by Brad Sucks

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_383_-_E3_2016_Debrief.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:46pm PST

Dammit Leeroy, you were supposed to make a good Warcraft movie.  We hate to break it to you, but it seems like Warcraft is joining the pantheon of cringe-worthy movies based on video games.  Hey, it's not all bad though!  It gives us a chance to dig into what makes a good video game inspired movie and take a short walk down memory lane to reminisce on the many gems of the silver screen.

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_382_-_Warcraft_movie.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:19pm PST

Med kits and healing rays are the topic of this week's EXP podcast. What games have the most interesting healing mechanics? And why can't you damn Overwatch players just protect the Mercy already, yeesh. Christopher Gile fuels our conversation this week. Be sure to check out his Health 101 piece over on Gamasutra. 


Show Notes:


- Runtime: 29 mins 18 secs

- Music by Brad Sucks

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_381_-_For_Your_Health.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:55pm PST

When's the last time you gave a hearty thumbs up to an opponent who successfully trounced your entire team?  If the answer is probably somewhere between "never" and "one time by accident," Blizzard is trying to change that.  We're continuing our Overwatch discussion by talking about the things that help keep peace between teammates and opponents.

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_380_-_Playing_Nice_in_Overwatch.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:00am PST

We did it! Scott and I have linked the flame (maybe), and beaten Dark Souls III. How does it hold up to Bloodborne? Did I ever figure out Sorcery? Has Scott stopped spamming R1 attacks all day in PVP? These questions and more in our epic Dark Souls III debrief.




Show Notes:

- Runtime: 1 hr 8 mins

- Music from the Official Dark Souls III Soundtrack

- You Died: The Dark Souls Companion by Keza MacDonald and Jason Killingsworth

- "Praise the Sun: On Yoga & Dark Souls," by Charlene Putney via Existential Gamer

- "Dark Souls and doughnuts – what video games taught me about vegan cookery," by Kat Brewster via The Guardian

- "Getting Social with Dark Souls," by ME (deal with it) via PopMatters

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_379_-_Dark_Souls_III_Debrief_Part_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:21pm PST

Horse warfare or robot warfare?  You must choose a side.  Unless you're like us and are holding out for robot horse warfare.  The recent Battlefield 1 and Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare trailers whipped the Internet in a frenzy, so we're here to help.  And by help I mean reveal our new pitch for a basketball dating sim starring Prince. 

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_378_-_Trailer_Warfare.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:49pm PST

Never count out Blizzard. Right when we think they can't take up more of our time, they come out with Overwatch. But will Overwatch replace other competitive games? Should we thinking about Overwatch as a lifestyle? All this and more!


Show Notes:


- Runtime: 35 mins 52 secs

- Music by Brad Sucks

- "Should 'Overwatch'Just Cut Bastion from the Game Entirely?" by Paul Tassia via Forbes 

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_377_-_Overwatch_Beta_Debrief.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:47pm PST

After dozens of hours, a whole bunch of graph paper, and more than a little frustrated cursing, we've come to the end of The Witness.  Then again, maybe you never really finish The Witness.  I know I'm still seeing line puzzles hidden within every day objects.  In any case, it's time to debrief and discuss what we learned about technological hubris, metaphysics, and maddening line puzzles.

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_376_-_The_Witness_Debrief.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:00am PST

Welcome, Ashen One, to another Experience Points Debrief. This week on the podcast, Scott and I eat some ember and get fired up about Dark Souls III. This is a hefty game, and it will take us both some time to complete our journey through Lothric, but we want to bring you some early thoughts on the game as we regain our footing in the Dark Souls universe. There are some tough new lessons to be learned after Bloodborne, oh yes. Namely don't stick your face in treasure chests that aren't yours.


Show Notes:


- Runtime: 36 mins 54 secs

- Music by Brad Sucks, Dark Souls III OST

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_375_-_Dark_Souls_III_Debrief_Part_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:14pm PST

Ah college: a place where young minds realize their potential and where young wallets are mercilessly emptied by a combination of questionable self restraint and an unfeeling academic bureaucracy.  While you're out of luck if you spend your book money on booze, you might be able to pay your tuition with the very skills you have cultivated during all those hours in which you played games instead of studying.  Inspired by Blizzard's recent Heroes of the Dorm college tournament, we dive into the collegiate side of eSports.  Money, fame, endorsements; everything is fair game as we lament college careers we never had.

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_374_-_College_Try.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:38pm PST

I just recently fulfilled a longtime dream of mine to visit Japan, the home place of Mario, Link, and whatever those creepy anime masks things are. It's a place I've visited in anime and games since I was a child, so there's something surreal about visiting a new but familiar landscape. This week on the show, we discuss our gaming ties to Japan and why cultural experiences through gaming are important.



Show Notes:

- Runtime: 39 mins 06 secs

- Music by Brad Sucks

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_373_-_The_Land_of_Video_Games.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:19pm PST

Remember that one game you loved oh so very much?  Well have you played it lately?  Maybe it's still a classic, but maybe the mists of your memory have obscured a harsher reality?  This week, we talk about the games we remember liking, even though they might not be as flawless in the present day's harsh light.

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_372_-_Second_Guessing.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:36pm PST

Ryan Green, one of the creators behind the heartbreaking and stunning That Dragon, Cancer recently published a blog post that discussed the use Let's Plays from the perspective of a game developer struggling to recoup development expenses. It's a complex morass of fair-use, exploitation, and the struggle to make ends meet as an indie game designer. Nevertheless, it's time we wade in...


Show Notes:

- Runtime: 39 mins 24 secs
- Music by Brad Sucks

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_371_-_The_Streaming_Dilemma.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:59pm PST

It's true: Jorge and I have been sleeper agents of a para-military organization all this time.  We've been activated and have taken our posts in The Division.  However, our role is limited exclusively to playing video games and making videos and podcasts about them.  Hey, someone has to keep everyone occupied while roving bands of pyromaniacs fight with spec ops teams right?  This week we head into the dark zone and talk about the The Division.

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_370_-_The_Division.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:14pm PST

Grab your shovel and put on your work boots, it's time to dig into farm games. This week on the podcast, we ponder the allure of Stardew Valley, the smoking habits of rural towns, and how to make mundane games a little more adult.


Show notes:

Length: 32 mins 37 secs

Music: Brad Sucks

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_369_-_The_Farming_Life.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:08pm PST

A dark shadow passes over you.  Not a cloud, but a vulture.  A tumbleweed rolls by and you watch it spin into the distance.  You keep waiting for it to go out of site, but the barren desolation means you can watch it for miles.  What happened here?  This place was the site of true opulence, but now you'd have a hard time convincing someone that it ever existed.  For a moment you think you can hear the echoes of a sick dubstep drop, but you know it's just your ears playing tricks on you.


Ok maybe it's not that extreme, but there have been some notable companies pulling out of this year's E3.  This week it's time to talk about the implications and the future the video game trade show.

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_368_-_E3_Exodus.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:15pm PST

We've all earned our fair share of bumps, scrapes, and bruises in real life. Some of us have persistent aches and pains, some of us have suffered all sorts of injuries, big and small. It's a common occurrence, but how well do games actually model injury? This week on the EXP Podcast, we discuss how it feels to be "unwell" and whether or not games are any good at modeling the strange experience of being in an unhealthy body.


Show Notes:

- Runtime: 32 mins 44 secs
- Music by Brad Sucks

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_367_-_In-Game_Injuries.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:06pm PST

The forest can be a beautiful place.  Centuries-old trees shade your path as you walk through a sprawling valley.  The river has carved this place out the eons and its serene, yet unyielding presence reminds you that it was here before any human set foot in here and it will remain here long after the last human is gone.  The forest can also be a scary place.  One missed step and you're just another piece of debris floating through that river.  Also: does that shadow look particularly bear-like to you?  And of course there are the ever-present personal demons and sense of existential angst that accompany your every step.

You guessed it: this week we're talking about Firewatch!

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_366_-_Firewatch_debrief.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:22pm PST

Quantum Break is coming to PC, which for some reason infuriates some Xbox One owners who feel mislead. Why so sensitive about the console vs PC market? Is something amiss on the world of console gaming? This week on the podcast, we discuss computer gaming, my recent PC build, and more. Join us, won't you?



Show Notes:

- Runtime: 32 mins 27 secs

- Music by Brad Sucks

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_365_-_PC_Problems.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:11pm PST

Activision is facing a lawsuit, probably not uncommon considering their size, this time from the family of Angolan resistance leader Jonas Savimbi. There are a lot of reasons his children might be angry, some of which make for an excellent conversation starter about historical figures in war games and the changing landscape of warfare in games. Oh, and generic moms. 



Show Notes:


- Runtime: 34 mins 26 secs

- Music by Brad Sucks

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_364_-_Changing_Warfare.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:40pm PST

Did you hear that?  It was as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.  Actually, it’s the opposite of that: those voices turned into a roiling stew of outrage and disappointment.  Yes, we’re talking about the Oculus Rift’s price announcement.  Don’t worry, we get over that pretty fast and then get down to the real issues: which platforms we’re investing in, where we’ll put our tubs of VR immersion jelly, and which celebrities would participate in our new show: CribsVR.  Welcome to the #oculusgrift.

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_363_-_VRJelly.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:04pm PST

Happy New Year everyone! We're ringing in 2016 with a look at the games to come. This week on the podcast, we discuss what we are most excited to play, what we think might not even come out this year, and the rich lore of Captain Planet.

Show Notes:

- Runtime: 41 mins 19 secs

- Music by Brad Sucks

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_363_-_The_Year_Ahead_2016.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:10pm PST