Wed, 31 December 2008
Some discussion starters: -What was your favorite game you played this year? How about your favorite "gaming moment?" -Did any game writing or particular blogs make an impact on how you view the medium? What trends do you see forming in game writing? -Which news stories caught your attention? Were there any important or quirky ones that were overlooked? |
Wed, 24 December 2008
This week on the EXP Podcast, we discuss the "prestigious" Spike TV Video Game Award show. This glamorous extravaganza aired on December 14th complete with scantily clad ladies, crotch shotguns, and some fairly insulting stereotypes. Check out images and videos from the links you'll find in the show notes. |
Tue, 16 December 2008
Wed, 10 December 2008
Wed, 3 December 2008
This week, we talk about a survey conducted by Guitar Center saying
that a huge number of people that buy Guitar Hero are subsequently
inspired to learn how to play a real guitar. We discuss the effect
games have on our personal interests and explore games' abilities to
inspire non-gaming action.
Show notes: - Run time: 24m 12s - The Gamasutra article - Music provided by Brad Sucks |