Wed, 31 August 2011
This week's show is all about music games. It's a big topic, so Jorge and I recruited a talented trio of musicians and video game writers to help us out: Dan Apczynski, David Carlton, and Kirk Hamilton were all kind enough to stop by to discuss the merits of music games. We cover a huge swath of topics ranging from pedagogy, to musical philosophy, to Bon Jovi's genius. We've known Dan, David, and Kirk for a long time and it was a blast to have an excuse to hang out with them and record the show. Hopefully you all enjoy listening to our podcasting jam session as much as we enjoyed recording it. Thanks again to all our guests and thank you for listening! Some discussion starters: |
Wed, 24 August 2011
We have clicked though the photograph, plummeted through spiked filled tunnels, and shattered the fourth wall entirely on this week's independent games focused podcast. Join Scott and I as we journey through the surreal landscape of Trauma, praise and criticize the torture that is VVVVVV, and try to wrap our heads around the strange construction of The Stanley Parable. As always, we encourage you to check out these games on your own, listen to our discussion, then chime in with your thoughts in the comments section below. To listen to the podcast:
Direct download: EXP_IndieCast_6_-_Traumatic_Parables.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:12pm PST |
Wed, 17 August 2011
Jorge and I love talking about Halo almost as much as we love playing it. This week, we discuss what was supposedly Bungie's last Halo game: Halo: Reach. It's a wide-ranging conversation that encompasses everything from the gameplay systems to the grand plot of the Halo universe. As always, feel free to join in with your thoughts and comments. Some discussion starters: - For those of you who played the game: What are your thoughts? - What challenges and opportunities do video game prequels present? - What aspects of Halo do you wish to see Bungie bring into their next project? What should they leave behind? To listen to the podcast: - Subscribe to the EXP Podcast via iTunes here. Additionally, here is the stand-alone feed. - Listen to the podcast in your browser by left-clicking here. Or, right-click and select "save as link" to download the show in MP3 format. - Subscribe to this podcast and EXP's written content with the RSS link on the right. Show notes: - Run time: 46 min 19 sec - Music provided by Brad Sucks |
Wed, 10 August 2011
Last week Scott and I discussed Mark Filipowich's article on cross-media storytelling. Out of that podcast came a challenge: We would put Mark's theories to the test by watching Halo Legends and Dead Space: Downfall. We have returned with out lives, if not our dignity, in tact, bringing you our views on these films and what they add/take-away from their parent franchises. If you rank amongst our bravest listeners, you joined us on this journey and we encourage you to leave your own thoughts in the comments section below. If you have not watched them but are curious enough to do so, both films are currently streaming on Netflix for those with service.
Direct download: EXP_Podcast_137-_Cross-Media_Legends_and_Downfalls.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:49pm PST |
Wed, 3 August 2011
Today, it feels like more games than ever enjoy an "expanded universe." Books, TV shows, comics, and movies all develop worlds and characters that first appeared in video games. This might be great for devoted fans, but what does it imply about games' abilities to stand on their own? This week, we use Mark Filipowich's article on cross-media storytelling as a starting point for discussing the ways in which supplemental media affect the stories games try to tell. We also lay out some plans for a cross-media adventure that will be the topic for a future show. As always, we're glad to have you all along for the ride and look forward to reading your comments! |