The Experience Points Podcast
A weekly video game podcast from the co-writers of

It wasn't so long ago that we were seriously questioning the future of the single player game. "All those multiplayer live games are taking our precious single player games!" we wailed. Fast forward a couple years and single player, predominantly story-based games are thriving on both the indie and big publisher sides of spectrum. But, as Daniel Friedman points out, games like Anthem, Destiny, and Apex Legends are struggling to keep the pace and find the space needed to compete against the Fortnite juggernaut. Take a break from grinding through your battle pass and take a listen!

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_530_-_Live_Game_Long_View.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am PST

The yearly gaming extravaganza of E3 has come and gone! But was it really that extravagant? With EA, Activision, Sony, and Microsoft all absent from the show floor, we had a lot more space to sit on couches and think about the handful of 2019 games that we're excited to see. Join and let us know what games you were excited by (or disappointed by) from E3 this year!


- Runtime: 53 min 51 sec

- Music by Brad Sucks

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_529_-_E3_2019_Debrief.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:55pm PST

This week we make use of the calm before the E3 storm to check in on some of the games we've been playing.  Space-faring AI, paper craft dinosaurs, samurais, t-blocks, and a whole shit ton of rats all make an appearance.  It's been a pleasantly surprising year so far and we're not even halfway done.

Direct download: EXP_Podcast_528_-_Swarm_of_Games.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am PST