Wed, 2 December 2009
It's amazing (and frightening, depending on your viewpoint) how
quickly social networking websites have become part of our daily
lives. In 2004, who would have thought that [The] Facebook would be
keeping track of their video game accomplishments? In 2006, Twitter
asked the world "What are you doing?" and now we can answer its nagging
inquiry by replying: "I'm updating you on my Xbox." As Web 2.0 snakes
its tendrils into our game consoles, we discuss our initial impressions
of the features and exchange some ideas about the ramifications of
adding our game-playing selves to the Internet Hive Mind. Seeing as
how the explosion of social networking has been crucial to this site,
I'll stop teasing the hand that feeds us and invite you all to jump in
with your thoughts in the comments. Some discussion starters: - Have you activated the social networking functions on your consoles yet? If so, are you enjoying the experience? If not, what stops you from doing so? - What effects will social network integration have on player habits? - What does the future hold for the relationship between sites like Twitter, the game industry, and its culture? Is this the beginning of a huge change or simply a passing fad? To listen to the podcast: - Subscribe to the EXP Podcast via iTunes here. Additionally, here is the stand-alone feed. - Listen to the podcast in your browser by left-clicking the title. Or, right-click and select "save as link" to download the show in MP3 format. - Subscribe to this podcast and EXP's written content with the RSS link on the right. Show notes: - Run time: 26 min 13 sec - Music provided by Brad Sucks