Wed, 13 January 2010
Put on your robes and wizard hats folks: it's time to do some
role-playing. Whether you are playing as a knight, a space marine, or
a rogue treasure hunter, video games give the player an opportunity to
assume an identity different from their own. However, the increasing
complexity ofRPGs as well as the inclusion of sophisticated characters in non-RPG
games can lead to a conflict between the player and the game: What
happens when the player wants to do something that their character
would never dream of? Grayson Davis from Beeps and Boops
raised this question, inspiring us to explore some possible answers.
This is a complicated issue and one that is likely highly influenced by
personal taste, so feel free to jump into the comments with your
thoughts. Some discussion starters: - When playing a game, do you role-play your character? How does this affect your play experience? - What is the balance between providing individual experiences based on specific characters versus ensuring players see all the game has to offer? - Are there certain games that you feel walk this line particularly well? Are there games in which role-playing actually decreases your enjoyment? To listen to the podcast: - Subscribe to the EXP Podcast via iTunes here. Additionally, here is the stand-alone feed. - Listen to the podcast in your browser by left-clicking the title. Or, right-click and select "save as link" to download the show in MP3 format. - Subscribe to this podcast and EXP's written content with the RSS link on the right. Show notes: - Run time: 28 min 32 sec - "The Player's Role," by Grayson Davis, via Beeps and Boops - Music provided by Brad Sucks