The Experience Points Podcast
A weekly video game podcast from the co-writers of

It's time once again to look at some of the independent games we've been playing over the last month!  This week, we discuss a few games created for the Ludum Dare game jam event as well as Christine Love's newest work, <i>don't take it personally, babe, it just ain't your story</i>.  Both topics encompass a huge amount of material, so we highly recommend you visit the websites listed in the show notes to explore all the intriguing games.  Weather you're into sword showers, scurvy, or social scandals, this episode has something for you!

Some discussion starters:

- Which Ludum Dare games did you enjoy?
- How can games effectively model emotional and social systems?
- What benefits does a highly-structured game like <i>don't take it personally...</i> have over more player-structured games?

To listen to the podcast:

- Subscribe to the EXP Podcast via iTunes here. Additionally, here is the stand-alone feed.
- Listen to the podcast in your browser by left-clicking here. Or, right-click and select "save as link" to download the show in MP3 format.
- Subscribe to this podcast and EXP's written content with the RSS link on the right.

Show notes:

- Run time: 31 min 53 sec
- Ludum Dare, The Rapid Game Creation Community
- The Legend of Mulida
- Grave Robbers
- The Wager
- don't take it personally, babe, it just ain't your story, by Christine Love
- Music provided by Brad Sucks

Direct download: indie_cast_3_dont_take_it.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:01am PDT